“…use hospitality one to another… Minister the same one to another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.” I Peter 4:9-10
Our Purpose
To effectively supply support, nourishment, & edification to the Body of Christ in the areas of greeting, guest services, Member Care, Pastor’s Aide – Ephesians 4:16
We Fulfill Our Purpose Through…
Greeting/Guest services: Given to generous and cordial reception of guests, offering a pleasant and sustaining environment for worship. -Galations 6:10
Member Care: Displaying genuine interest and concern for the people of God; “Distributing to the necessity of the saints…”. -Romans 12:13
Pastor’s Aide: Providing service that is useful or necessary to assist the Pastor and Family in Ministry. -II Corinthians 9:10
Our Vision (From Romans 12:1-13)
- To present our bodies as a living sacrifice
- To prove that which is good and acceptable
- To be sober minded
- To give with simplicity
- To show mercy
- To love without hypocrisy
- To prefer one another
- To be fervent in Spirit
- To rejoice in Hope
- To show patience in times of trouble
- To be instant in prayer
- To distribute to the needs of the saints
- A Pleasant Greeting
- A Warm Smile
- A Friendly Resource
- Genuine Member Care
- Guest Services
- Care to the Pastor & Family
Family & Friends Day
Church Open House
Name Tag Sunday
Church Christmas Dinner